A Free Resource Guide

This play-by-play has been created to help you on your journey through cancer.  From diagnosis to treatment to recovery, it's all here.

Cancer is so scary... I know, I've been where you are... In those moments of fear, hopelessness, and dread  I wished for someone to guide me. Someone who understood. I wanted answers and I felt like I had no idea where to even begin. I lost a lot of my night's sleep and spiraled out of control.

So, I vowed to create a "playbook" for future patients. One that "held their hand and led them through it". Thus, This resource was born!

This resource is meant to bring the guide (me) into your home. The woman who has been through it. The friend you needed in this transitional time. 

This resource is free and is chalked full of simple yet effective information to help you feel less alone. 

Enjoy my friend. I am here for you. See you inside.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. How To Use This Resource

    3. Terms and Conditions - Signature

    1. Who Am I and What Is My Story?

    2. Initial Diagnosis

    3. Navigating "The Flood"

    4. Chemotherapy

    5. Gift - Meditation Download

    6. Meditation lesson

    7. Surgery

    8. Radiation

    9. Hormone Therapy (Hormone Cancers Only)

    10. Recovery

    11. More resources for you...

    12. Please Leave A Review

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons

Starting today, you no longer need to do this alone

What People Are Saying..

I Was Truly Lost...

by Jaime

To anyone wondering if they should take this course, the answer is yes! It is an amazing well developed course with many wonderful details. As a cancer patient, I was looking for help, searching for many answers and was truly lost as a human being! Taking this course was life changing! It made me look at life through a different lens, in a more positive way than I ever had before. Christine is an amazing person and survivor herself! This course is truly wonderful!